Best Study Snacks
Many of us spend most of our day away from home — we work, study, travel around town, and do a million things. And then the question arises — what to eat for lunch. It is not always possible to go to cafes or restaurants every day — firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, there simply may not be good places near your office or university where you can have a delicious lunch in a pleasant environment. In such cases, you can take snacks with you — it will be delicious even if you don’t have a microwave at hand.
This is a real field for experimentation. You can make a sandwich with any bread, you can make a burger, pita, or bagel, or you can wrap all the ingredients in a shawarma-like tortilla. But let’s conditionally call it a sandwich — for any option we need something flour (bread/buns/tortillas) and, in fact, what we choose for the filling. And you can choose anything — any vegetables and even fruits, salad and greens, baked vegetables, various sauces and pates, all kinds of cheeses, meat or vegetable cutlets, ham, baked meat or chicken, etc.
What could be better than homemade pizza made with love from natural ingredients? If you have a free evening, you can cook this delicious dish — eat some for dinner, and take some to college the next day. Pizza can be cut into triangular or square pieces, stacked on top of each other, and wrapped in foil or parchment. Or you can simply put it in a lunch box, adding a handful of cherry or chopped cucumber with pepper.
A great option for lunch is a vegetable casserole. It can be without animal products like ratatouille. It can be with cheese or meat. It can be in the form of frittata (that is, a large baked omelet) with an egg base.
Regardless of the option you choose, vegetables will be the basis. Tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, peppers, different varieties of onions, potatoes, pumpkin, mushrooms, broccoli, and other varieties of cabbage, sun-dried tomatoes, olives can be used — in a word, those ingredients that are at hand and that you love. You just need to take a baking dish, put the chopped ingredients there, and put them in the oven.
If you are cooking something like ratatouille, cut the vegetables into slices, salt, and pepper, add spices and herbs, and of course, add butter or sour cream. If you’re making something like a cheese casserole or lasagna, lay the thinly sliced ingredients and cheese in layers, adding spices and herbs. If you are making a frittata, cut the ingredients into small cubes and cover with slightly beaten eggs (if you wish, you can add a little cream), remembering to salt and pepper. You can also add cheese on top of such an omelet.
Cupcakes can be prepared as sweet or savory and can be taken in a sliced form in the lunch box or wrapped in parchment. Use a standard muffin dough as the base, or as for a charlotte (just reduce the amount of sugar).